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Title Efficient judgment can be made by submitting a clear opinion statement for patent judgments
Writer Admin Date 2006-11-21 Hits 1820
All parties related to a patent judgment can now clearly state their opinions on the case by submitting an opinion summary to the judgment division.

The Korean Industrial Property Tribunal (KIPT, President: KIM, Ki Hyo) announced that it will use an ‘opinion summary submission system’ to facilitate swift and efficient handling of cases.

An opinion summary is a document that describes whether or not related parties will submit new opinions/evidence or withdraw their previous claims. It also includes the major claims of each individual or group. The opinion summary will be submitted by related parties along with their written opinions.

Before implementation of this system, it was difficult for parties to summarize and clarify their opinions. The judgment division also had difficulties understanding the major claims of all parties.

In order to resolve the difficulty, KIPT allowed related parties to submit an opinion summary along with their written opinions on the case starting September 2006.

For judgments confirming the scope of right, KIPT allowed related parties to submit an ‘opinion summary on the actual practice of the subject invention’. This was done because whether or not the subject invention is actually being practiced usually becomes the major issue of judgment.

Upon providing the ‘opinion summary submission system’, related parties will be able to submit a clear statement with their opinions. The judgment division will have a better understanding of the parties’ views, allowing judgments to be more swift and efficient.

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